TUMI Chester

Staff & Faculty

Pastor Earl Wright –
Site Coordinator/Mentor

Pastor Earl F. Wright studied theology at Columbia Evangelical Seminary and has pastored three churches over the last forty years. Earl also served as moderator of the Association of Charismatic Reformed Churches. He is married to Judy Wright and enjoys spending his time with her.

Dr. Rick Horne – Associate Site Coordinator/Mentor

Doctor Rick Horne’s educational background: B.S. (PBU), M. Div. (Reformed Episcopal Seminary), M.Ed. (West Chester University), D.Min. (Westminster Theological Seminary).

Dr. Horne has served for more than 30 years in Christian school guidance and counseling programs in two Christian schools. He has also worked full-time with the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation (CCEF) for a year and a half and has served on their Board for 20 years. Rick is currently Associate Site Coordinator of The Urban Ministry Institute-Chester, PA, teaching their urban church seminary courses in the city of Chester and in the local state prison. He has also been developing, teaching and recording, in association with CCEF, a curriculum for pastoral counseling for urban church leaders. Rick has served in bi-vocational pastoral roles in three Philadelphia area churches over the last 38 years.

Rick has four books published by the Association of Christian Schools International and two by Shepherd Press. The former are about school guidance and counseling matters and one is for teachers and administrators dealing biblical strategies for addressing scornful attitudes in the Christian school. His most recent books, Get Outta My Face, and Get Offa My Case, published by Shepherd Press, are addressed to parents. The first addresses how to talk to angry and unmotivated teens. The second, how to parent them in a godly way and still hold them biblically accountable if they won’t talk. Rick has spoken on these topics in Europe, Asia, and North, South and Central American countries. Rick and his wife Betty have been married 45 years and have six children, five are married. They have 15 grand children.

Dick Taylor – Mentor

Dick was the Senior Pastor at Grace Bible Fellowship Church from 1982 to January 2016. He and his wife Joyce are the parents of six children, and 12 grandchildren. Dick is a lover of history and its stories! He enjoys researching the history of the Bible Fellowship Church, the Civil War, and the Taylor family. Dick’s personal history has its origins in Montrose, PA, where he was born in 1947. In 1969 he earned a BA in Philosophy and Religion at Ursinus College. That same spring, he and Joyce, also a student at Ursinus, were married. While continuing his studies at Westminster Theological Seminary, from 1969-1973, Dick served as a student assistant at Graterford Bible Fellowship Church. He was then called to be Pastor of Faith Bible Fellowship Church in Spring City. Nine years later he began his ministry at Grace Bible Fellowship Church. During his time in Wallingford, Dick earned the Doctor of Ministry degree from Westminster Theological Seminary. He continues to serve in the Bible Fellowship Church as Mentoring Assistant to church planters in Church Extension Ministries. He and Joyce continue to be part of the congregation and ministry of Grace Church.

Minister Gail Jackson